Monday, March 28

Security must be Easier or Cheaper

Remember when I said that end-users (i.e. People) are motivated more by "easier" and "cheaper" than they are by "more secure"? Well I did. And they are. If this MSNBC article doesn't make the point, I don't know what will: Why should I care about digital privacy?

The article discusses how a number of people sitting in a coffee shop were actively hacked & eavesdropped, alerted to the hack, and they chose to simply ignore the alerts, continue browsing and even making online purchases.

I was once in the audience while security guru Bruce Schneier was speaking. He made the point that while the security industry is all jazzed up about privacy, all of our efforts may not have much impact because the people we're concerned about ("young people") just don't care. They live their lives on-line and don't have the same ideas about privacy that us old people have.

There is an on-going debate about whether sending (texting) a nude photos of oneself while underage is a criminal offence worthy of a 'sex offender' label. The simple fact that we need to have that debate is evidence that Schneier is right.

I find more evidence when I ask any facebook user about privacy. It seems to be common knowledge among young and old that facebook users should be concerned about privacy. There are unanswered questions about personal information. [I'll give facebook the benefit of the doubt for this discussion and say that the security tools are in place to protect yourself if you're knowledgeable and cautious. But that's a big IF.] The fact is, most seem to think that facebook is not secure, yet they continue to use it. Because it's a cheap and easy way to communicate with friends, stay in touch with gossip, get news, play games, etc. For any security mechanism to be truly effective in an environment where security can not be mandated (corporate setting), like the general public, it needs to be (say it with me) easy and cheap. Easy as in built-in and transparent. Cheap as in Free.

btw, SSL (secure browsing over HTTPS) is sort of like that, until some CA (not mentioning any names but maybe sounds like a type of dragon) gets breached and generates bad certificates. Then, it's less easy. Also, SSL requires that an end user actually observe the browser to confirm that it's a secure connection. And in reality, the observation only tells you that you're connected to a secure page right now - it doesn't tell you where the submission form will take you. So it's really only secure if we're trusting the sites we visit or are unusually saavy web users.

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