Tuesday, October 24

Convergence of Physical and Logical Security

In my very first blog entry back in February, I wrote briefly about the convergence of physical and logical security. I didn't know much about the topic at the time, but I had a feeling that it was important. The entry is unfortunately a fairly uninteresting and un-informative piece of writing, but it seems to continuously generate a significant amount of activity to my blog. And it's not just me - I'm starting to see articles pop up everywhere that the security discussion is taking place. It's a hot topic.

Throughout 2006, it has become more and more obvious that this convergence is a vital part of securing the enterprise. Since joining RSA on the first of this month, the number of convergence conversations I've been a part of has definitely increased. RSA offers smart cards and card management software that enable organizations to deploy a single authenticator that stores multiple credential sets for use across both physical and logical security. So, that's probably why I'm hearing more about it.

If you're interested in learning more about RSA's offering, take a look at this webinar: The Future of Authentication

I unfortunately don't have any new insights to offer on this topic, but I thought it was simply worth saying that if you're responsible for securing an organization, you ought to be thinking about this. And to put together some info on the topic since people seem to be coming here for info.

A few related articles:
Happy converging...

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